How to boost it....
Tip #1: Build muscle mass.
Tip #2: Get plenty of cardiovascular exercise.
Tip #3: Focus on frequency, duration, intensity
Tip #4: Target losing one or two pounds a week.
Tip #5: Don't run if you hate running
Tip #6: Exercise in the morning.
. Sleep! Almost nodding off in line at Starbucks isn’t the only downside of not catching enough zzz’s. Researchers have found a link between metabolism and sleep, and not getting enough of it may seriously slow metabolism.
2. Drink green tea. Not only does this superfood pack an antioxidant-punch, researchers have found it speeds metabolism as well
. Plus, it’s naturally calorie-free, so there’s no reason not to enjoy a mug (or two).
3. Amp up workout intensity. Slow and steady may not always win the race. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), such as interval runs, are quick bouts of intense exercise that can jumpstart metabolism and keep us burning calories long after the workout is over. (Afterburn effect, anyone?)
4. Don’t skip breakfast. It may be time to
reconsider hitting snooze in favor of getting up to grab a quick bite
before starting the day. Studies show the importance of quick-starting
metabolism with breakfast
. No a.m. appetite? Snack on something small, like a bowl of Greek yogurt.
5. Pump some iron. The weight room isn’t only to help bulk up or get lean. Lifting weights can also help speed resting metabolic rate, making those dumbbells our new best friends
6. Gulp some H20. Drinking enough water is a simple way to speed up digestion and burn calories
. We may need more than those recommended eight glasses a day too. Now if only wine could speed metabolism...
7. Spice things up. The next time a chicken breast is cooking up in the kitchen, add a dash of cayenne pepper. The heat from the pepper is thanks to capsaicin, which wont only add a fiery kick—it could help boost metabolism, too
8. Squeeze in some cardio. Hop on the bike and clock in some miles—one study found that 45 minutes on the bike sped up metabolic rate for over 12 hours
. Guess learning to ride a bike way back when was worth it!
9. Eat wisely. Who knew eating could actually help speed calorie burn? Certain foods like tuna and grapefruit have been shown to speed up metabolic rate
. Packing in protein has also shown to boost metabolism, so pick some eggs over pancakes at the breakfast table for a morning metabolism boost
10. Grab a cup of Joe. This
caffeinated morning beverage is not only a savior when it comes to
pushing through a midterm paper or work meeting. A cup of coffee (or the
caffeine in it) is absorbed into the blood stream very quickly, speeding up heart rate and provide a metabolic boost that peaks at about three hours after drinking
11. Laugh a lot! A little laughter may go a long
way. Scientists have found that as little as 10 minutes of laughter per
day (or roughly half an episode of SNL) can burn energy
. Just another reason to stay smiling!
Give stuff away, donate possessions to charity or pass them on to
someone who could use them. This can relieve stress and create a sense
of lightness and unburdening. A less cluttered bedroom can also bring
the added bonus of better sleep.
Hang washing up outdoors: Getting
some fresh air and creating an orderly line of washing will give you a
relaxing break and a reason to get outside in the garden.
Invite a lonely person to tea:
Or offer to help your neighbour with their garden, leaking pipe,
shopping, etc. Feeling needed and having a sense of belonging to a
community are important factors for a sense of wellbeing.
Go for a walk: Time
spent in green surroundings has shown time and time again to be calming
and restorative. Even a green view is beneficial, so try and buy some
indoor plants too: geraniums for a window sill, ivy for a dark corner,
and herbs for the kitchen.
Stand up straight, and smile: The
way we hold ourselves and our facial expression affects the way we
feel. Adopt a confident posture and you will feel more confident; look
calmly on the world and it will seem a friendlier place.
Visit an empty beach or hilltop: Being a tiny part of an immense landscape can reassuringly put worries into perspective.
Get moving: Physical
activity gets us out of our heads and generates endorphins, the hormone
which makes us feel good; dig the garden, cycle, walk, dance, make
pastry, or even mow the lawn.
Appreciate the little things: From
a spider spinning a web, to a bird singing: these are just a few of the
endless everyday details which we often overlook or take for granted,
yet which can delight us if we let them.
List five things for which you are grateful: Whether
they are big or small. Research has shown that doing this every week
for ten weeks can result in lasting increases in wellbeing, as it gets
us into the habit of seeing our life through a positive lens.
Join a community choir: Singing
regularly with other people is rewarding not only because of the
pleasure derived from the music itself, but also because it is sociable
and it demands effort, commitment and attention.
Take up regular voluntary work:
Social connectedness, as well as freely giving your time, attention and
energy, and making a positive difference all contributes to our own
satisfaction with life.
Get stuck in: Active
engagement is a big aspect of personal wellbeing. If you really enjoy
your chosen activity, you will lose yourself in it and experience a
wonderful sense of 'flow'.
Think about your place in the scheme of things: Having
a sense of meaning or purpose in life, whether it is religious,
political, social, artistic or any other framework, is known to be
important for wellbeing.
Take up mindfulness meditation: Regular practice of mindfulness meditation decreases anxiety and increases calmness, working memory and flexibility of thought.
Take charge: Start
a petition, write to your MP or local councillor, or join a campaign
about an issue that concerns you. We are happier if we are proactive and
feel like we have a say in things.
Value relationships over material objects: Levels
of wellbeing have not risen in the UK since the 1970's despite an
increase in affluence. It's relationships and social networks that
contribute towards enduring happiness.
Why can't YOU sleep?
Your Favorite Position Makes Your Pelvis Crooked
Do you wake up with sore, achy knees? It could be due to the way you curl up at night. When we sleep on our side, both knees can rub against each other, or one knee will fall slightly forward, says Rick B. Delamarter, MD, co-medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles. This puts the pelvis at an awkward angle, exacerbating existing knee pain. Delamarter suggests placing a small pillow between your legs. This will cushion the knees, level the pelvis, fix spinal alignment and even alleviate lower back pain.
You're Sleeping in a Trench
"If you can fit three fingers between your lower back and the mattress, then it's not giving enough support," says Karin Mahoney, director of the Better Sleep Council (the education arm of the International Sleep Products Association). She suggests rotating the mattress 180 degrees every six months. Sleep experts are always hesitant to recommend the perfect model, material or brand of mattress, but medium-firm has been shown in studies and through patient reports to be comfortable for most people, says Delamarter. He says that you'll know it's time to upgrade when you regularly wake up with stiffness, numbness and back pain. He frequently hears of patients who test-drive mattresses at hotel chains before committing to a purchase.
Your Pillows Need to Go on a Diet

Fluffy pillows angle the head forward and put a kink in the neck. This is why Delamarter says thinner pillows tend to be better than thicker. The position of your body in bed should be similar to your alignment when standing up straight: neutral spine, long neck. The small number of people who sleep on their stomach should look for very soft pillows, such as loosely packed down feather, to lessen the strain on their back. Delamarter points out that older people or those with a slight hunch or spinal curve will need a fuller pillow to tilt their head forward in sleep as it is when they're awake.
You're Going to Bed with the Wrong Man
Even though you've been warned against going to bed with the TV on, you feel the talk show host's voice helps you relax. But the sudden shift to loud or high-pitched commercials could be affecting your rest. The recently passed Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act won't solve this problem either. Most commercials don't actually exceed the recommended volume limit, noted an article in the April 2011 issue of Wired magazine; they only sound louder. In a TV show, most of the noise comes from people talking, with a few bursts of, say, shouts, horns or crashes. During a commercial, though, the volume is elevated to just below the maximum limit for the entire 30 seconds. So you'll still be affected by those random, extended peaks of sound. For the best rest, say goodnight to Dave, Jay and Conan before getting into bed.
You're Sucking in Cold, Sooty Air
The optimal way to breathe in general is through the nose, says Nancy Collop, MD, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Our noses warm the air and filter out dirt and other particles. Breathing through the mouth, especially while sleeping, can lead to snoring, throat irritation, intense dry mouth and even abnormal respiration and sleep apnea. Another problem, says Collop, is that mouth breathing while lying on your back can cause the tongue to fall back and partially obstruct the upper airway. Nasal strips can help you get in the habit of breathing comfortably through your nose. If they don't, you may want to see an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Microscopic Creatures Have Invaded Your Bedroom
You know those tiny particles that float by on window-filtered sunbeams? At night, they can trigger allergies and asthma flare-ups. Air purifiers banish dust and other allergens (like dry-cleaning chemicals from the bag hanging on your closet door), and dehumidifiers may also help by taking moisture out of the air. "More moisture means more allergens," says Collop. But at the opposite extreme, desert-dry air can cause a parched throat and itchy eyes, especially if you have a cold. Take into account the levels in your home, the climate where you live and the season when deciding how you should treat the air around you. The EPA recommends a household relative humidity of 30 to 50 percent, and you can test yours using a hygrometer (some thermostats have them built in, or you can buy an inexpensive one at a hardware store).
You're Allergic to Your Snuggle Partner

Like dust, pet dander can exacerbate mild allergies. What's more, 17 percent of women say they are awakened during the night to care for their pet, according to a 2008 poll by the National Sleep Foundation. That doesn't include those who are pushed out of a deep sleep into a lighter, less-satisfying stage by a pet purring, snoring, jumping off the bed or using the litter box or doggie door. Help your pet learn to appreciate having a bed of his own, and if you can't bear to banish him from yours, at least try to keep him away from your face.
You're Throwing Off Your Internal Thermostat
Cold temperatures make us drowsy, and a falling core body temperature helps us get to sleep faster, says Collop. Help this process along by turning down the heat and keeping your bedroom cool (ideally, around 60 to 68 degrees). Opening the windows also helps bring in fresh, oxygen-rich air (unless you live near a freeway), which can contribute to your rest, says John Dittami, an Austrian sleep researcher, biologist and neurologist. However, there's a certain period of REM sleep during which your internal heating and cooling systems change and you become more sensitive to the temperature of the air around you. If you wake up at that point, a once comfortably cool room may now feel chilly. Keep extra blankets within reach so that you won't have to get up to search for them.
Your PJs and Sheets Are Underperforming
Even if you sleep in a cool room, you may wake up soaked with sweat. Night sweats are commonly associated with perimenopause and menopause, but they can also be triggered by menstruation, medications for depression, diabetes and other conditions. Check with your doctor to make sure this isn't a symptom of a serious condition or disease (such as an infection or cancer). Then try sleeping with a fan to evaporate the moisture from your skin, and always wear loose, breathable clothing. Several new products address this problem: "performance" sheets made from the same wicking fabric as athletic shorts; soft, towel-like nightgowns to absorb moisture; and pillows covered in Coolmax fabric to prevent dampness.
The Trains Are Off-Schedule and So Is Your Night-Shift-Working Neighbor
We're generally able to adapt to a regular noise like a nightly 3 a.m. train whistle, says Collop, but we have trouble after being awoken by random, unfamiliar or unexpected sounds. There are some noises you can't control, like the clanging of a furnace or the backyard brawling of stray cats. If you feel these are consistently getting in the way of your sleep, consider a sound machine that emits white noise, crashing waves or soothing music to block out the sudden audio interruptions.
You're Popping Uppers Without Realizing It

The chemicals in some types of asthma pills are related to caffeine, and that could contribute to insomnia and daytime jitters. Medications for other conditions -- depression, high blood pressure, heart disease -- can have similar effects. Diuretics (also commonly prescribed for high blood pressure) can make you have to go to the bathroom more frequently, which is a major sleep disruptor. To identify what's keeping you up, talk to your doctor about what you're taking and when you're taking it.
You'd Rather Sleep Alone
Collop says this is a frequent complaint from sleep center patients -- and their spouses. Here's how to keep your partner's shifting, snoring, snuggling or other habits from keeping you awake.
Your Sleep Hormones Are out of Whack
Darkness causes the release of the hormone melatonin, which is a highly effective all-natural sleep aid. Even a small amount of light can throw off your melatonin levels, and it takes only a few minutes for this to happen. Dim the lights about 30 minutes before bed, and turn off all electronic devices, including smart phones, computers and iPads. Block outside light from the moon and streetlamps with opaque blinds or curtains. Night-lights with red bulbs have less of an effect on melatonin than white ones, and alarm clocks with red numbers are less disruptive than ones with white or blue digits.
Do you wake up with sore, achy knees? It could be due to the way you curl up at night. When we sleep on our side, both knees can rub against each other, or one knee will fall slightly forward, says Rick B. Delamarter, MD, co-medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles. This puts the pelvis at an awkward angle, exacerbating existing knee pain. Delamarter suggests placing a small pillow between your legs. This will cushion the knees, level the pelvis, fix spinal alignment and even alleviate lower back pain.
You're Sleeping in a Trench
"If you can fit three fingers between your lower back and the mattress, then it's not giving enough support," says Karin Mahoney, director of the Better Sleep Council (the education arm of the International Sleep Products Association). She suggests rotating the mattress 180 degrees every six months. Sleep experts are always hesitant to recommend the perfect model, material or brand of mattress, but medium-firm has been shown in studies and through patient reports to be comfortable for most people, says Delamarter. He says that you'll know it's time to upgrade when you regularly wake up with stiffness, numbness and back pain. He frequently hears of patients who test-drive mattresses at hotel chains before committing to a purchase.
Your Pillows Need to Go on a Diet
Fluffy pillows angle the head forward and put a kink in the neck. This is why Delamarter says thinner pillows tend to be better than thicker. The position of your body in bed should be similar to your alignment when standing up straight: neutral spine, long neck. The small number of people who sleep on their stomach should look for very soft pillows, such as loosely packed down feather, to lessen the strain on their back. Delamarter points out that older people or those with a slight hunch or spinal curve will need a fuller pillow to tilt their head forward in sleep as it is when they're awake.
You're Going to Bed with the Wrong Man
Even though you've been warned against going to bed with the TV on, you feel the talk show host's voice helps you relax. But the sudden shift to loud or high-pitched commercials could be affecting your rest. The recently passed Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act won't solve this problem either. Most commercials don't actually exceed the recommended volume limit, noted an article in the April 2011 issue of Wired magazine; they only sound louder. In a TV show, most of the noise comes from people talking, with a few bursts of, say, shouts, horns or crashes. During a commercial, though, the volume is elevated to just below the maximum limit for the entire 30 seconds. So you'll still be affected by those random, extended peaks of sound. For the best rest, say goodnight to Dave, Jay and Conan before getting into bed.
You're Sucking in Cold, Sooty Air
The optimal way to breathe in general is through the nose, says Nancy Collop, MD, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Our noses warm the air and filter out dirt and other particles. Breathing through the mouth, especially while sleeping, can lead to snoring, throat irritation, intense dry mouth and even abnormal respiration and sleep apnea. Another problem, says Collop, is that mouth breathing while lying on your back can cause the tongue to fall back and partially obstruct the upper airway. Nasal strips can help you get in the habit of breathing comfortably through your nose. If they don't, you may want to see an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Microscopic Creatures Have Invaded Your Bedroom
You know those tiny particles that float by on window-filtered sunbeams? At night, they can trigger allergies and asthma flare-ups. Air purifiers banish dust and other allergens (like dry-cleaning chemicals from the bag hanging on your closet door), and dehumidifiers may also help by taking moisture out of the air. "More moisture means more allergens," says Collop. But at the opposite extreme, desert-dry air can cause a parched throat and itchy eyes, especially if you have a cold. Take into account the levels in your home, the climate where you live and the season when deciding how you should treat the air around you. The EPA recommends a household relative humidity of 30 to 50 percent, and you can test yours using a hygrometer (some thermostats have them built in, or you can buy an inexpensive one at a hardware store).
You're Allergic to Your Snuggle Partner
Like dust, pet dander can exacerbate mild allergies. What's more, 17 percent of women say they are awakened during the night to care for their pet, according to a 2008 poll by the National Sleep Foundation. That doesn't include those who are pushed out of a deep sleep into a lighter, less-satisfying stage by a pet purring, snoring, jumping off the bed or using the litter box or doggie door. Help your pet learn to appreciate having a bed of his own, and if you can't bear to banish him from yours, at least try to keep him away from your face.
You're Throwing Off Your Internal Thermostat
Cold temperatures make us drowsy, and a falling core body temperature helps us get to sleep faster, says Collop. Help this process along by turning down the heat and keeping your bedroom cool (ideally, around 60 to 68 degrees). Opening the windows also helps bring in fresh, oxygen-rich air (unless you live near a freeway), which can contribute to your rest, says John Dittami, an Austrian sleep researcher, biologist and neurologist. However, there's a certain period of REM sleep during which your internal heating and cooling systems change and you become more sensitive to the temperature of the air around you. If you wake up at that point, a once comfortably cool room may now feel chilly. Keep extra blankets within reach so that you won't have to get up to search for them.
Your PJs and Sheets Are Underperforming
Even if you sleep in a cool room, you may wake up soaked with sweat. Night sweats are commonly associated with perimenopause and menopause, but they can also be triggered by menstruation, medications for depression, diabetes and other conditions. Check with your doctor to make sure this isn't a symptom of a serious condition or disease (such as an infection or cancer). Then try sleeping with a fan to evaporate the moisture from your skin, and always wear loose, breathable clothing. Several new products address this problem: "performance" sheets made from the same wicking fabric as athletic shorts; soft, towel-like nightgowns to absorb moisture; and pillows covered in Coolmax fabric to prevent dampness.
The Trains Are Off-Schedule and So Is Your Night-Shift-Working Neighbor
We're generally able to adapt to a regular noise like a nightly 3 a.m. train whistle, says Collop, but we have trouble after being awoken by random, unfamiliar or unexpected sounds. There are some noises you can't control, like the clanging of a furnace or the backyard brawling of stray cats. If you feel these are consistently getting in the way of your sleep, consider a sound machine that emits white noise, crashing waves or soothing music to block out the sudden audio interruptions.
You're Popping Uppers Without Realizing It
The chemicals in some types of asthma pills are related to caffeine, and that could contribute to insomnia and daytime jitters. Medications for other conditions -- depression, high blood pressure, heart disease -- can have similar effects. Diuretics (also commonly prescribed for high blood pressure) can make you have to go to the bathroom more frequently, which is a major sleep disruptor. To identify what's keeping you up, talk to your doctor about what you're taking and when you're taking it.
You'd Rather Sleep Alone
Collop says this is a frequent complaint from sleep center patients -- and their spouses. Here's how to keep your partner's shifting, snoring, snuggling or other habits from keeping you awake.
Your Sleep Hormones Are out of Whack
Darkness causes the release of the hormone melatonin, which is a highly effective all-natural sleep aid. Even a small amount of light can throw off your melatonin levels, and it takes only a few minutes for this to happen. Dim the lights about 30 minutes before bed, and turn off all electronic devices, including smart phones, computers and iPads. Block outside light from the moon and streetlamps with opaque blinds or curtains. Night-lights with red bulbs have less of an effect on melatonin than white ones, and alarm clocks with red numbers are less disruptive than ones with white or blue digits.
Swollen feet
It is unlikely that having 1 drink would cause swelling of the hands and
feet. In rare cases, drinks that have high concentrations of histamine
(such as certain wines) may cause a histamine-like reaction in certain
sensitive people, but this usually manifests as gastrointestinal
discomfort or worsening of asthma
Another more likely possibility is that your friend has a variant in one of the enzymes that breaks down alcohol; this is quite common and can lead to blushing or flushing or blotchiness of the skin, but is not a true allergic reaction. True allergic reaction to alcohol (ethanol) is technically possible but would be very, very rare.
However, if your friend has any of the following concerning symptoms when drinking alcohol, she should immediately seek medical attention: swelling of the face, lips or tongue; wheezing or difficulty breathing; violent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In people with an underlying medical problem, such as a liver or heart problem, drinking alcohol can lead to problems with how the body handles fluid and this can definitely lead to swelling. Therefore, if your friend has any serious medical problems, this is a possibility. The best advice would be for her to see her primary care doctor for advice.
To solve it: (Source......)
Also read this...
Another more likely possibility is that your friend has a variant in one of the enzymes that breaks down alcohol; this is quite common and can lead to blushing or flushing or blotchiness of the skin, but is not a true allergic reaction. True allergic reaction to alcohol (ethanol) is technically possible but would be very, very rare.
However, if your friend has any of the following concerning symptoms when drinking alcohol, she should immediately seek medical attention: swelling of the face, lips or tongue; wheezing or difficulty breathing; violent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In people with an underlying medical problem, such as a liver or heart problem, drinking alcohol can lead to problems with how the body handles fluid and this can definitely lead to swelling. Therefore, if your friend has any serious medical problems, this is a possibility. The best advice would be for her to see her primary care doctor for advice.
To solve it: (Source......)
1. Soak Up The Saline:
This is probably the most common remedy for tired and swollen feet. Take half a cup of Epsom Salt (crystals of hydrated magnesium sulphate, useful in curing muscle soreness) or simply common salt in half a bucket or tub of warm water. Soak your feet in the saline solution for 10-15 minutes and feel immediate relief. You can do this each night before retiring to bed.2. Elevate To Alleviate Swelling:
This is something you can try while sitting at work or lying down in bed at home. When at work, prop up your feet on a stool and keep flexing the ankles at regular intervals. When you are in the comfort of your bed, you can try elevating the feet (to the point where they are at least a foot above the heart’s level). This can be done by propping the feet on some cushions or even on the wall for 5-10 minutes. I have tried it many times, and it is immensely and immediately relieving.3. Tonic Water:
For those of you living in the medical Dark Age, Tonic water is carbonated water to which a little quinine has been added. Initially used as a cure for malaria, tonic water is also a good way to bring down the swelling of the feet. Soak your feet in cold or room temperature tonic water. The quinine acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and the fizz in the carbonated water is a great relaxant.4. Contrast Baths:
This is another way to alleviate swelling of the feet that uses the easiest of all mediums – water. One of the best natural remedies for swollen feet. Take half a bucket of hot water (not scalding hot, or you will be reading ‘home remedies for hot water burns’ next!) and another half bucket of cold water (not icy cold). Soak your feet in the hot water first and switch to the cold water bucket after about 10-15 minutes. Switch back to hot water one last time, this time for about 5 minutes. This works by encouraging better blood circulation in the feet. As a bonus, you get some free time to read, listen to music, meditate or just chill!5. Baking Powder To The Rescue:
This simple, unassuming ingredient has many remedial benefits. To solve your swollen feet issue, take a 1:1 mixture of baking powder and rice water (boil rice and use the starchy water). Example: take 2 teaspoons of baking powder in 2 teaspoons of rice water. Make a paste and apply it over your feet. You can also take a larger quantity of this paste, add some water to it and soak your feet in it. The baking powder and rice act as water absorbers.6. Essential Oil Soak:
Take essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon with some water and use this aromatic mixture to soak your swollen feet for about 15 minutes. Essential oils have nothing to do with the word ‘important’; they mean that the oils contain the ‘essence’ of a particular plant. Besides alleviating the swelling in the feet, this remedy also acts as a natural relaxant through its beautiful aroma.7. Lemony Solution:
To concoct this remedy, take some lemon juice, cinnamon powder, olive oil, milk and water. Mix these in a container till it becomes sort of a paste. Apply it all over your swollen feet. This remedy is best used as an overnight solution for swollen feet. Your feet will soak up the beneficial ingredients and you will wake up without swelling or stiffness in the feet.8. Check What You Eat:
The oedema in your feet could very possibly be caused by poor eating habits. Make sure to include a lot of magnesium in your diet as it improves circulation. Also avoid foods high in sodium content. Sodium is known to be water retentive. Also, stay as hydrated as possible. Don’t skimp on those 8-10 glasses of water that every web page on healthy living screams about. Protein and uric acid build up in the body cause foot swelling and can be washed out by proper hydration.
[ Read: Home Remedies For Foot Pain ]
9. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Strange, but true. Apple cider vinegar when applied to swollen feet and ankles acts as an immediate relief. The vinegar has an effective fluid absorption action which makes the feet lose excess fluid buildup. Once the excess fluid is gone, so will the swelling and stiffness. One of the good swollen ankle remedies.10. Parsley:
If fluid retention is the culprit behind your swollen feet, you can bust it with this herb. Steep a ‘tea’ made of dried parsley leaves and drink 2-3 cups per day. Parsley is a natural diuretic, which will help the body in expelling excess fluid.11. Barley Water:
This yucky-tasting mixture is a wonderful diuretic. Simply take a handful of barley grains and boil them in water until it takes on a light brown hue. Strain and cool this solution and consume 1-2 glasses per day. The barley will help the body in washing out toxins that build up due to fluid retention and bring down oedema in the feet.
[ Read: Barley Water Benefits ]
12. Shop For Better Shoes:
Already feeling better at the mention of shopping! If you have constant swelling of the feet, the cause might be the wrong footwear. Switching to cushioned shoes which provide arch support will send your feet to foot heaven! Opt for low-heeled sandals and also avoid tying shoelaces too tightly. These will work up a great benefit for your sore feet.13. Ginger Essential Oil:
That’s something new! This oil contains the benefits of ginger without that sting. Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Make massage oil by adding ginger essential oil to any carrier oil and give your feet a massage. Ginger will improve circulation and also ease cramping caused by swollen feet.14. Citrus Paradise:
This essential oil of grapefruit is another surprise package. Make simple massage oil by mixing grapefruit oil with any carrier oil and give your sore feet a rub down. This essential oil has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. For best results, leave it on overnight.15. Chill The Swelling Away:
Tried and trusted, our ever-faithful ice pack, can help here too. Use a commercial ice pack on your swollen feet or you can even make one at home. Take small ice cubes or crushed ice in a wet towel or washcloth and apply it all over your swollen, stiff feet. This is also one of the effective home remedies for swollen feet.that works most of the time.16. Banish The C-A-C:
Okay, I just made up that code! It simply stands for Cigarettes, Alcohol and Caffeine. These three addictive elements are best removed from your lifestyle. It really helps in reducing foot oedema, if nothing else. These three create water retention in the body. Whenever fluids build up, they mostly travel to the feet. It is a good reason to think about quitting.17. Cabbage Leaves:
For this peculiar remedy, take cabbage leaves (white or green), wipe them clean, but do not wash them. You may like it more if the leaves have been cooled in the fridge (but not frozen). Place them on your swollen feet or tie them there with a loose bandage. Cabbage has great water absorption qualities and will draw out excess fluid in the feet within 30 minutes.18. Dandelion Tea:
This pretty sounding herb has pretty good effects on swollen feet! Make a dandelion tea by adding the herb to boiling water and allowing it to steep for a while. Have 1-2 cups per day till you find relief from foot oedema. Dandelion has water expulsive properties and is also rich in antioxidants.19. Cool It With Cucumber:
The very name is soothing, isn’t it? Apply slices of cucumber to your feet and cover them with a loose bandage. Cucumber has amazing soothing properties that will reduce oedema and stiffness, and make your feet feel immensely relieved. You can also extract the juice of cucumber and add it to water to get similar results.
[ Read: Benefits Of Cucumber For Health ]
20. Viva Vitamin:
Ensure that you take extra amounts of foods rich in Vitamin E – the beauty vitamin. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, almonds, pistachios, sweet potatoes are replete with this vitamin. It is useful in alleviating swelling and stiffness of the feet.Also read this...
Why can't I sleep?
All Your Clean Socks Are In The Wash

If you're like many women, you've probably noticed that your hands and feet are colder than your husband's when you climb into bed. This is because the nerves that control blood flow to these areas are more sensitive in women, and you were probably colder to begin with. The good news is that when our core body temperatures fall, our extremities tend to feel warmer as blood vessels dilate and the body radiates heat. To speed the process, try going to bed in clean, fresh socks (the ones you've been wearing all day are probably damp) and, if you need them, mittens. Instead of using your husband as a foot warmer, try using an actual hot water bottle, which won't protest or squirm away.
If you're like many women, you've probably noticed that your hands and feet are colder than your husband's when you climb into bed. This is because the nerves that control blood flow to these areas are more sensitive in women, and you were probably colder to begin with. The good news is that when our core body temperatures fall, our extremities tend to feel warmer as blood vessels dilate and the body radiates heat. To speed the process, try going to bed in clean, fresh socks (the ones you've been wearing all day are probably damp) and, if you need them, mittens. Instead of using your husband as a foot warmer, try using an actual hot water bottle, which won't protest or squirm away.
Sleep is so so important
- Find ways to relax. A warm bath before bedtime can help prepare you for sleep. Having your partner give you a massage also may help relax you. Create a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as reading, soft music, breathing exercises, yoga or prayer.
- Make the bed comfortable. Having a comfortable pillow and mattress can help promote a good night's sleep. In general, latex, contour foam and polyester pillows perform better than feather or regular foam pillows, but the choice comes down to your personal preference. Similarly, the choice of a firm or soft mattress is largely a matter of individual preference. You may need to experiment to find what works for you.
- Create a sleep-friendly space. Close your bedroom door or create a subtle background noise, such as a running fan, to help drown out other noises. Keep your bedroom temperature comfortable, usually cooler than during the day and dark. Don't keep a computer or TV in your bedroom.
- Hide the clocks. Set your alarm so that you know when to get up, but then hide all clocks in your bedroom, including your wristwatch and cellphone. You'll sleep better if the clocks are out of view.
- Get out of bed if you're not sleeping. Sleep as much as needed to feel rested, and then get out of bed. The bedroom should be used for sleep and intimacy. So, if you can't sleep, get out of bed after 20 minutes and do something relaxing, such as reading, rather than lying in bed and getting frustrated about your wakefulness.
- Stick to a regular schedule. Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent from day to day, including on weekends.
- Spend a little time in the sun. Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Try to get outside in natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes each day. If possible, wake up with the sun or use very bright lights in the morning.
- Exercise and stay active. Get at least 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily, but make sure it's at least five to six hours before bedtime.
- Avoid or limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Caffeine after lunchtime and nicotine at any time of the day can keep you from falling asleep at night. Alcohol, while it may initially make you feel sleepy, can cause frequent awakenings.
- Avoid large meals and beverages before bed. A light snack is fine, but eating too much food late in the evening can interfere with sleep. Drink less before bedtime so that you won't have to urinate as often.
- Avoid or limit naps. Naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you can't get by without one, try to limit a nap to no more than 30 minutes and don't nap after 3 p.m.
For a comprehensive sleep guide, please see my article "33 Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep." Here are 10 often-overlooked factors that might be interfering with your sleep. My previous interview with Dr. Rubin Naiman also delves into some of the most common causes of insomnia, and how to address them
How do you choose your GREENS powder?
You've seen the adverts right? How confusing they all are? could make your own!
Here's the full recipe for the WARRIOR GREEN SMOOTHIE.
Or of course you could read reviews....
" Most green superfood drinks all contain some amount of the following ingredients:
Or like I said, make your own....
Read a review of the FIFTEEN BEST GREENS POWDERS....
Or you could learn how to use existing foods to cleanse...
Read more reviews:
"One of the most robust and high-quality green drinks on the market…for an excellent price. Excellent quality of ingredients and lab standards. High in all important ingredients and no waste or filler. Comes in glass jars, not plastic....READ MORE...."
Obviously you must keep educating yourself by reading more from elsewhere....
Or continue to make your own!
You could buy a book I suppose...
Make sure you keep reading....
Look for reviews that clearly state the BEST Greens Powder - like this one.... which of course is available on Amazon right here...
Make sure you read this guide as to HOW to choose your Greens Powder....
And keep on reading reviews and see which 'recommended' powder keeps on coming up....
Maybe this Complete Greens is the best....
"Almost every supplement company has a variation of the “green powder,” which is basically a powder made with dried grass, dried grass juices or dried vegetables and possibly algae. This powder is supposed to make your body more alkaline and give you nutrition you can't find elsewhere.
First, I would say that grass powder is not a worthy food and anyone growing grass and turning it into a powder and making a lot of money selling it is really laughing their way to the bank at the expense of unknowing customers. Even if it's called “wheatgrass”, it's still grass.
A powder of vegetables or algae can never compare in nutritional value to fresh vegetables, even if those vegetables are not organic.
The real superfoods are dark green vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, black kale, parsley, celery, arugula, and so on.
With the use of “green smoothies” made with *fresh* green vegetables and fruit, anyone can obtain superior nutrition in a few minutes a day (ruling out the argument that people don't have “time” to eat well).
Green smoothies and fresh raw greens literally put these green powders to shame."
Go here for the rest of the articles...
Then there's even worse WARNINGS from elsewhere....
"One supplement, Vibrant Health’s “Green Vibrance” product, contained roughly 24 micrograms of the carcinogen arsenic per .4-ounce serving, which far exceeds the 10-mcg-per-34-ounce safety limit established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Another powder supplement, Ultimate Life’s “The Ultimate Meal”, contained more than double the allowable amount of aerobic bacteria, which can cause inflammation and infections, research shows.
"Greens and whole foods powders and pills can provide a range of vitamins and natural antioxidants,” said Tod Cooperman, MD, president of But because these products include ingredients like kelp, spirulina, and many other unusual plants and herbs, contamination is a problem, Dr. Cooperman adds"
Read more from here... could make your own!
Here's the full recipe for the WARRIOR GREEN SMOOTHIE.
Or of course you could read reviews....
" Most green superfood drinks all contain some amount of the following ingredients:
- Land Vegetables (such as beets, spinach, grasses, dandelion, etc.)
- Sea Vegetables (kelp, purple dulse)
- Algaes (mainly spirulina and chlorella)
- Probiotics and Enzymes (the type and source differs)
- Fibrous Meal (flaxseed meal, brown rice solids, apple pectin, lecithin, and others)
Or like I said, make your own....
Read a review of the FIFTEEN BEST GREENS POWDERS....
Or you could learn how to use existing foods to cleanse...
Read more reviews:
"One of the most robust and high-quality green drinks on the market…for an excellent price. Excellent quality of ingredients and lab standards. High in all important ingredients and no waste or filler. Comes in glass jars, not plastic....READ MORE...."
Obviously you must keep educating yourself by reading more from elsewhere....
Or continue to make your own!
You could buy a book I suppose...
This Complete Guide Includes:
- 35 Delicious Blends: 21 Super Green Blends for beginner to expert, 7 Detox and Immunity Blends, and 6 Specialty (non-green) Smoothies!
- The 10 Most Important Green Smoothie Building Tips: make your own green smoothies with confidence using these easy to follow steps!
- Green Smoothie Health Boosting Ingredients: 12 beneficial foods you can add to your green smoothies to boost their nutrient content and deliver an even higher octane nutrient cocktail to your cells – including the health benefits of the spices, seeds, and other excellent add-ins that I include in my best recipes.
Simple Weekly Smoothie Prep Guide: get my time-saving, optional weekly set up program! The recipes in the book are organized so you can pair 2 recipes together for the week to save money on groceries and enjoy a variety of nutrients.
- Green Smoothie Tools for Every Budget: exactly what I use in my own kitchen, plus reviews of other products and a complete directory of where to find different utensils and devices so you can find the best options for you.
Make sure you keep reading....
Look for reviews that clearly state the BEST Greens Powder - like this one.... which of course is available on Amazon right here...
Make sure you read this guide as to HOW to choose your Greens Powder....
And keep on reading reviews and see which 'recommended' powder keeps on coming up....
Maybe this Complete Greens is the best....
"Almost every supplement company has a variation of the “green powder,” which is basically a powder made with dried grass, dried grass juices or dried vegetables and possibly algae. This powder is supposed to make your body more alkaline and give you nutrition you can't find elsewhere.
First, I would say that grass powder is not a worthy food and anyone growing grass and turning it into a powder and making a lot of money selling it is really laughing their way to the bank at the expense of unknowing customers. Even if it's called “wheatgrass”, it's still grass.
A powder of vegetables or algae can never compare in nutritional value to fresh vegetables, even if those vegetables are not organic.
The real superfoods are dark green vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, black kale, parsley, celery, arugula, and so on.
With the use of “green smoothies” made with *fresh* green vegetables and fruit, anyone can obtain superior nutrition in a few minutes a day (ruling out the argument that people don't have “time” to eat well).
Green smoothies and fresh raw greens literally put these green powders to shame."
Go here for the rest of the articles...
Then there's even worse WARNINGS from elsewhere....
"One supplement, Vibrant Health’s “Green Vibrance” product, contained roughly 24 micrograms of the carcinogen arsenic per .4-ounce serving, which far exceeds the 10-mcg-per-34-ounce safety limit established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Another powder supplement, Ultimate Life’s “The Ultimate Meal”, contained more than double the allowable amount of aerobic bacteria, which can cause inflammation and infections, research shows.
"Greens and whole foods powders and pills can provide a range of vitamins and natural antioxidants,” said Tod Cooperman, MD, president of But because these products include ingredients like kelp, spirulina, and many other unusual plants and herbs, contamination is a problem, Dr. Cooperman adds"
Read more from here...
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