This is the original source...
- Marching - Lie on your back with your bellybutton pulled in tight to your spine, and lift one knee toward your chest. When placing your foot back down on the ground, move very slowly and try to put your foot down silently. You should feel your abs doing this work.
- Dead Bugs - Lie on your back with your bellybutton pulled in tight to your spine, and raise your arms and legs straight above you (like a dead bug!). Slowly open your arms and legs out to the side, then bring them back to center.
- Plank Hold - Facing the ground, hold your body in a completely straight line while balancing on your hands or elbows and toes or knees. Hold for 10-30 seconds for beginners.
- Side Plank Hold - With hips stacked and core braced, hold your body in a straight line while balancing on one hand or elbow and the sides of your feet or knee. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
- Bridge Hold - Lying on your back with your knees bent, press your hips into the air as high as you can.
- Bridge Clams - Lying on your back with your knees bent, raise your hips as high as you can. Squeeze your knees together, then pull them apart as far as you can, while keeping your hips high and stable.
- Shadow Boxing Crunches - Lying on your back, raise your legs straight up. Reach across your body as though you are "punching" the opposite foot with the opposite hand. Return to starting position between each "punch."
- Lying Leg Lifts - Lying on your side with your hips stacked, raise your top leg as high as you can with both hips pointing forward. You should feel the squeeze in your glutes.
- Side Plank Clams - From a bent-knee side plank position, keep your hips stacked and feet together, then open and close your knees (like a clam!).
- Side Crunches - From a knee and elbow side plank position, raise your hip as high as possible, then return to the starting position.
- Pointer Dogs - Facing the ground on your hands and knees, squeeze your glutes to raise your leg straight out behind you while raising the opposite arm out in front of you. Return to the start in a slow and controlled manner. Keep your hips straight and stable.
- Mule Pushes - Facing the ground on your hands and knees, raise one leg (with knee still bent) to hip level. Keep hips level and facing the ground. In small pulses, raise the heel of the raised leg toward the ceiling.
- Superman Hold - Lying face down on the ground, squeeze your glutes to raise your extremities off the ground. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Hold for 10-20 seconds.
- Swimmers - Lying face down on the ground with your hands stretched out in front of you, squeeze your glutes to raise one leg off the ground simultaneously with its opposite-side arm. Keep your neck in a neutral position.
- Pushups - From a plank position, slowly bend the elbows and lower the chest toward the ground. While keeping hips level, return to starting position.
- Single Leg Bridges - Lying on your back with your knees bent, raise one leg into the air. With the other leg, push your hips as high as you can.
- V-Sits - Balance on your butt with your feet off the ground. Slowly straighten your legs while simultaneously leaning back with your torso. Return to start.
- Russian Twists - Balancing on your butt with your knees bent and feet a few inches off the ground, lean your torso back, and place the palms of your hands together and reach your fingertips to the ground to the side of one of your hips.
- Body Hover Hold - Lying on your back with your bellybutton pulled in tight, raise all of your extremities just a few inches off the ground. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
- Jackknifes - Lying on your back with your bellybutton pulled in to your spine and hands over your head, raise your arms and legs to meet in the air. As you come back down to the starting position, move slowly and try to keep your feet a few inches off the ground.
- Snow Angels - Lying on your back with your bellybutton pulled in tight to your spine, raise your extremities a few inches off the ground. Sweep open your arms and legs (like a jumping jack), then return to start. Try to keep all of your extremities off the ground for all reps.
- Cross-Body Crunches - Start in a crab crawl position, with your arms behind you and hips off the ground. Raise your opposite hand and foot off the ground at the same time and bring them together in the air.
- Walk the Planks - From a plank position on your hands and toes, step one hand and one foot simultaneously out to one side, then step with the other hand and foot, bringing yourself back to the starting position.
- Swinging Knees to Elbows - From a plank position, bring one knee toward its opposite-side elbow (twist your hips, but keep them low), then toward its same-side elbow, then back to the starting postion.
- Hip Touches - From a plank position, touch your hand to your hip. Try to keep your hips low and stable as you trade hands.
- Bridge Marching - Lying on the ground with your hips in the air in a bridge position, bring one knee toward your chest. Return to starting position in a slow and controlled manner. Keep hips high and level throughout the exercise.
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