Here are 15 ideas to get you started now we're in week 2 of 2015:
Year of Kindness Box: Create a New Years tradition.
On the first day of the new year, start a Year of Kindness Box.
Throughout the year, fill up the box with: compliments you received,
thank you notes, moments of kindness you witnessed, acts of kindness you
did, inspiring quotes, etc. Then after the year is over, review the
Create a Gratitude Journal: A five-minute a day
gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10
percent. That’s the same impact as doubling your income!" From Happier Human
Three Compliments: Compliment the first three people you talk to.
52 Thank You Notes: Express your gratitude for the
people in your life, write one thank you note every week to a different
person: Need a quick thank-you note format? Check out The Five Minute Thank You Note.
A Kind Twist on Happy Hour: Invite a group of
people you know (friends, family, coworkers) to the happiest of happy
hours and spend one hour doing acts of kindness for others.
Positive Sticky Notes: Carry a stack of positive
sticky notes with you wherever I go. Post them when you're somewhere
that needs a little bit more kindness.
Morning Kindness: Before you get out of bed, focus
on kindness. Think of a kind motto for your day or text a positive good
morning note to a friend.
Daily Positivity: Every day, think of a random person. Send them a positive message (text, email, social media post, phone call, letter, etc.)
Volunteer: Think of a cause you care about or a
group in your community that could use some help. Volunteering has some
serious health benefits too.
Beautify Your Surroundings: Spend 10 minutes picking up litter in your neighborhood, park or other commonly visited locations.
Kind Body Image: Place positive body image sticky notes on dressing room mirrors.
Coupon Fairy: Save unused/unwanted coupons and put them next to relevant products next time you're at the grocery store
Be Kind to the Earth: Research ways to be kind to the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are seven ideas to get you started.
Smile: According to an article from Psychology Today, "Each
time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The
act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and
Self-Kindness: Do one kind thing every week for yourself.
Enjoy a treat you love, exercise, eat a healthy meal, or do something
you love and rarely have time to do.
1. Pause at the stop sign
Every time you come to a stop sign or a red light, take a full breath, notice how you are feeling and then wish yourself or another well. “May I be happy and safe. May I live with ease.” Continue saying the words or phrases internally until you are ready to move on or the light changes. When you come to the next stop sign or red light, repeat the practice. With sufficient repetition the stop sign and the red light become cues for cultivating kindness and help establish a habit of kindness.
2. Engage the grocery clerk
When you shop at a grocery store, stand in line for a movie ticket, or get a tank of gas at a full-service station, engage with other people. Internally, extend wishes of goodwill to them. Listen when they talk and gently smile. Such small gestures make people feel more open and kind. By engaging with them, you engage with your best self.
3. Extend to your fellow travelers
If you use the bus, train, or airplane on a regular basis, let the act of taking your seat be a cue to practice kindness or compassion toward your traveling companions. Bring all those traveling with you into your awareness and reflect on how they, like you, have their share of joys and sorrows and want to be happy, peaceful, and free from suffering. Express your wish for their happiness. “May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be free from harm. May you live with ease.”
4. Listen for the ping
We get tons of emails and calendar alerts every day. Use them as reminders to be mindful. On many computers, you can even set the sound to be that of a meditation chime. Every time you hear the alert or see the reminder, pause, take a breath or two, and send yourself thoughts of kindness. You can do the same in the shower. Simply feel the water on your body, pause, take a deep breath, and send yourself and others thoughts of kindness.
5. Connect with someone in need
Establish the intention in your mind to respond with kindness and generosity whenever you meet someone on the street who asks for support. Pause to make contact with him or her and ask how they’re doing and give some money if you like. Or if you believe it is more helpful to give funds to a group that supports the homeless, commit to writing a check at the end of the week or month.
This article also appeared in the February 2015 issue of Mindful magazine.
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